Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Implementing Yara rules to detect emmental malware: statically and dynamically

In this short post, I am going to use yara to create some signatures in order to detect the emmental malware I've been analysing in previous posts

"Yara is a tool aimed at (but not limited to) helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples. With YARA you can create descriptions of malware families (or whatever you want to describe) based on textual or binary patterns. Each description, a.k.a rule, consists of a set of strings and a boolean expression which determine its logic"

Yara can be used to search patterns in malware, memory dumps, network flows, etc, so it is a very handy tool that every Incident Handler and Forensic Analyst must know.
There is already a nice project, yararules, which is a repository for rules to detect malware, even for mobile malware. However, I did not find any specific rule for emmental malware, so I am going to create a very simple rule to detect it.

During previous posts, I already gathered some unique evidence which can be used to implement the rule, for example the user-agent used, some of the HTTP C&C commands or some of the strings in the code. Using all this evidence, I've created a very simple rule: 

$ cat emmental.rule 

rule emmental
 $my_text_string = "Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"
$my_text_string2 = "SMS Intercept error: Phone not setted"
$my_text_string3 = "SMS Intercept enabled over buffer"
$my_text_string4 = "Get config data from server"
        $my_text_string and $my_text_string2 and  $my_text_string3 and $my_text_string4

Now, if I run yara with the containing the rule and the .DEX file and I see that there is a match:

$yara emmental.rule classes.dex -s
emmental classes.dex
0x6e431:$my_text_string: Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0
0x70842:$my_text_string2: SMS Intercept error: Phone not setted
0x7081f:$my_text_string3: SMS Intercept enabled over buffer
0x5995c:$my_text_string4: Get config data from server

Although, this is a very simple example, more complex rules can be created to search across malware samples, memory dumps and even network captured traffic. For example, there are some existing tool, yaraPcap, which permits use yara against 'pcap' files. Also, I am going to create a yara rule for this purpose. The following rule matches the user-agent and we can validate with captured network traffic produced by the malware:

$ more emmetal_network.yara

rule emmental
        $my_text_string = "Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"


$ -r  Report.txt emmetal_network.yara capture.cap

$ more Report.txt
File: raw.pcap
Matched Rules:
